Deacons & Acolytes
- Deacon Hovaness Doursounian
- Deacon Setrage Panian
- Deacon Apraham Bardakjian
Sub Deacons
- Ara Barsoumian
- Jiro Iskenderian
- Albert Barsoumian
Gerard Barsoum
These Deacons & Sub Deacons & Acolytes serve the church every Sundays service and additional holy days and feast days. They're are integral to the divine liturgy, and play a key role in aiding the priest that is leading the service.
Altar Boys
Jiro, Ohan, Danny, Kyle and Alec
If you would like to learn more about being an altar boy please contact us.
We are always looking for additional alter boys.
Jiro, Ohan, Danny, Kyle and Alec
If you would like to learn more about being an altar boy please contact us.
We are always looking for additional alter boys.