
The St. Stephens Church Choir has enjoyed a reasonably healthy fall and winter with an average of ten members present each Sunday, and up to fourteen and sixteen on some occasions. However, more members are needed to create a fuller and more balanced sound on a weekly basis.

If you read music, or if you know the Gomidas liturgical music, and are interested in participating, or just enjoy singing, please contact either the Choir Director Karen Aykanian-Demirjian or the Choir Director Emeritus, Vartan Seraderian. Or, simply contact any choir member before or after church. We are especially in need of men's voices both tenor and bass, but will always welcome sopranos and altos.

We are also very happy to have several young people who have joined us recently and hopefully their ranks will increase. Membership involves Sunday only, but a rare rehearsal schedule is possible if a special event is on the calendar. Singing in the choir can be a deeply felt and rewarding experience for a choir member. If you have considered participating and are not sure whether you are qualified, please talk to one of the choir members. You may have more to offer than you think.

If you would like to become a member of the Church Choir please contact us.

Choir Director: Karen Aykanian-Demirjian

Choir Director Emeritus: Vartan Seraderian

Organist: Mary Ann Kazanjian